Barley Cove Beach forms part of a larger
area designated as
a Special Area of Conservation (S.A.C.) under the European Habitats Directive.
This Directive is designated to ensure the conservation of
Europe's most important ecological areas.
The area qualifies for the S.A.C. status because of the high quality sand dune system,
together with a wide variety of habitats and associated wildlife.
Click above on Habitat Area for Details of Flora and Fauna.
Barley Cove Beach is maintained by Cork County Council.
Conservaation work has been co financed by Cork County Council and the European Union.
The Barley Cove Beach Management Strategy has been produced by the Planning and Developoment
Department of Cork County Council in association with Dúchas, the Heritage
Further enquiries to Cork County Council at 028 21299
The wildlife photography on this site is some of the best we have ever seen.
Be patient and wait for the download. The wait is worth it.