
Boats Environment Heart



An Sanctoir

West Cork ITE UKindergarden


Web Traffic
Bard na Mara Coaction Ferry


ReflectionsWest Cork Markets
Barley Cove Tarot Readings
Fish Mizen HeadShamrock

West Cork Rural Transport


CuanLee Refuge West Cork Gas

Sacred Ireland

West Cork Weddings


Have you seen our Coming Home Page?

The Fastnet Rock Lighthouse, often referred to as the last tear drop, was the final sight of Ireland for many of the people who emigrated. This view and some of the others that you will see during your tour around this website, might be an incentive to entice you here, if only for a visit.

Be careful. People have been known to visit West Cork and never leave! It has that effect on people.

Click on any underlined text to view other pages.

Eight miles north-west of The Fastnet, is Ireland's most south-westerly point, The Mizen Head

The boat is a recently built replica of The Shamrock, a traditional design used in West Cork around the turn of the century for mackerel fishing. Talking of boats, here's another salty tale that shows that we care about our environment

If you're thinking of taking a holiday in West Cork, you'll want to see some of the views, find a place to stay, see what kind of activities are in the area and where to eat.

Some people think that West Cork is the real Heart of Ireland. You'd have to judge that for yourself.

Perhaps you already live in West Cork and want to advertise your business to other web browsers. Maybe you have a holiday home here and want to rent it out during the times you're not here.

 If you don't have a web presence and would like one, especially if your title includes West Cork, 

Google west cork and see how near the top you could be, with us.

If you have a website but would like more traffic, talk to us.

You might also like to visit our Clients Websites

We are constantly adding to this site.

Please call back and see us soon.

West Cork Web Ltd. 028 35435

West Cork Web supports Coaction West Cork